Phison PS5026-E26 Max14um Solid State Drive Preview

ATTO, CrystalDiskMark & AS SSD

ATTO Disk Benchmark measures transfer rates across specific lengths. ATTO uses RAW data, our transfer sizes ranged from 0.5 to 8192kb. ATTO is usually our definitive benchmark for solid state drives.

phison e26 atto

CrystalDiskMark is our next test and it has a sequential read / write test as well as a 512k and 4k random read / write test.

phison e26 crystal

AS SSD Benchmark is next. This benchmark contains four synthetic as well as three practice tests.

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The AS SSD Copy Benchmark gives you the speed and time it would take to load an ISO, Program and Game.

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Finally we have the AS SSD Compression benchmark.

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