When you make the jump from a single monitor to dual monitors you’ll notice that a lot of real estate on your desk is taken up by these monitors and their stands. Also many monitor stands are junk and do not offer much in terms or adjusting viewing angles of your monitor. That is where a monitor arm comes in, it removes the stand giving you back that room on your desk and offers far more adjustment. Today we have the Z2-3D monitor arm from Arctic. It supports two monitors up to 27-inches, offers tilt, swivel, and rotation adjustments, and even comes with a USB 3.0 hub. Let’s get some monitors on the Z2-3D and see what it can do!
Special thanks to Arctic for providing us with the Z2-3D Dual Monitor Arm to review.
The Z2-3D comes in a nice retail package. On the front we have a photo of the monitor arm put together and it lets us know it supports displays up to 27-inches, VESA 75 or 100 mounts, and a total load up to 35.2 lbs.
Flipping over to the back it shows displays installed on the arm and specifications for the Arms, USB hub, and power adapter.
The monitor arm does not come assembled, so when you open the box and get everything out there is quite a lot there.